Legacy Book Publishing is a small to medium book publishing company that provides, for new or experienced authors that desire to be actively involved, all aspects of fiction or non-fiction book creation, production and marketing. All books must meet our criteria and standards which accepts only “Books Inspiring Virtuous Character.”
Legacy Book Publishing promises to custom design each facet of an author’s book with the latest design techniques, professional image presentation and quality workmanship consistent with present standards of excellence in design, printing and marketing.
Legacy Book Publishing
“Then one day I decided I wanted to write a book…”
Legacy Book Publishing broke into the world of book publishing over 30 years ago with nothing but the optimistic dreams of one author and his belief that books can serve a higher purpose when used to infuse principles of virtuous character. This focus on positively influencing our society has allowed Legacy Book Publishing to transcend from a small one-book publisher to an award-winning publishing house in upscale Winter Park in Central Florida just north of downtown Orlando.
Our president, Gabriel H. Vaughn, first began as an author who was very familiar with startup business ventures and marketing concepts but was unfamiliar with the business of book publishing. He persisted in his personal book publishing venture until well rewarded with this first book earning its place on the list of “Best Sellers.” As others noted his success with his book, “Can you help me with my book?” became an often heard phrase that led him to help publish hundreds of books and eventually form the current Legacy Book Publishing.
At Legacy Book Publishing, we believe the author should be actively involved in all aspects of the publishing process so that the full vision of the author can be coupled with the professionalism and experience of our staff. We also emphasize the importance of great looking marketing materials starting with the cover of your book because people so judge a book by its cover. We can also contribute, as needed, to the process of writing, developing, formatting, editing, designing, printing and marketing quality books across the nation with an experienced staff and our national distributor.
Continuance of the Legacy tradition is to help others achieve their own success, whether this is securing their own spot on the list of best selling authors or simply preserving or sharing their own legacy in print.
Interview with the President
By: Lauren Friedman
Gabriel Vaughn isn’t your average book publisher. A life peppered with careers including military service, meat cutting, and a flourishing drywall business frames his unlikely entry into publishing—over 30 years ago.
Legacy Staff
Meet our team of experienced editors and staff, specializing in everything from non-fiction and fiction to fantasy and satire.
Samantha Nickerson
- Writer and editor with a Masters of Creative Writing
Carver Smith
- Editor specializing in commercial fiction and satire