Why publish YOUR book with Legacy Book Publishing?
For over 30 years professional authors and hobby writers across America have turned to Orlando book publisher Legacy Book Publishing to assist them in turning the dream of their writing project into a reality. During that period, Legacy has published hundreds of fiction and nonfiction books, each created in close cooperation with the author.
Do you have an idea for a writing project that you feel has great potential? If so, Legacy Book Publishing of Winter Park, Florida would like to hear from you.
Conventional Book Publishing can be divided into three areas,
each of which offers certain benefits and concerns:
The first option is straight royalty publication whereby a publisher agrees to edit, format, print and market your book and pays you a small percentage of sales for the rights to do so. Honestly, very few unknown authors are accepted for these terms. Unless you are already an established writer with a proven sales history, this option will probably not be available to you. The obvious main benefit of getting your book published by a major national publishing house is the ability of that publisher to market your book on a large scale. Unfortunately, unless you are a celebrity or famous in your field of expertise, these big publishers will never open their doors to you. And you might also note that major international publishing houses pay a very small (5-7%) royalty on book sales.
So then, how do you get your book published?
This question leads us to the second area of publishing, that being self publishing by the author, him or herself. This is accomplished with or without the professional assistance of a publishing house. In either case it represents a substantial investment with little chance of financial and popular success. To be frank, this type of publishing is often referred to as “Vanity publishing”. Publishers who offer such services are only interested in profit made in advance for “publishing” your book. These publishers are actually just book printers in disguise looking for inexperienced authors who are eager to see their work in print. They pretend to have an interest in the theme and quality of your writing. These Vanity Presses charge exorbitant amounts of money to edit, format and print your book. They then charge you to submit your book to major book reviewers.
You could of course attempt to edit your own manuscript, place your book into the printable PDF format and hire a local printer to produce your hardcover or softcover copies. But unless you are a longstanding member of the world book publishing community, you will be charged at least twice as much for the printing of your books.
In either case, with or without assistance, any author who attempts to jump into the world of book production without awareness of the many pitfalls and lures is likely to waste a great deal of money and achieve little or no success.
Why is this? While you may be a superb writer and have a charming personality, which are two crucial ingredients to book promotion, it is doubtful that you have acquired the expertise needed to create your book in the format and structure required by book distributors, wholesalers and ultimately, the large chain stores. In fact, unless your book is designed and published according to these guidelines it will not even be accepted for review.
There is another option that is somewhat preferred over self-publishing. This is what is known as subsidy publishing or co-publishing. In subsidy publishing both the author and the publisher, team up together to create your book. Each provides financial investment and each provides creative input. This process ensures that your book is created exactly as you had envisioned it, yet published and marketed professionally.
Once again the inexperienced author is at a tremendous disadvantage. Yes, you will receive your books at a price lower than if using a Vanity Publisher, but you will still pay far more than you should have and receive almost no marketing assistance. Co-publishers mark up their services to ridiculously high prices. Using a subsidy publisher you may very well end up paying hundreds of dollars per hour just to have your project worked on by a part-time student.
Shared publishing:
A balance of personal creativity and professional polish
The fourth and only workable option for anyone who feels they have a fine project but is not as yet an established author is Coactive or “Shared Publishing”. Coactive Publishing has been developed and used by Legacy Book Publishing for over twenty years to introduce to the world dozens of wonderful books. The process is incredibly simple and fair.
You submit your manuscript or book idea to Legacy Book Publishing for review.
As with any quality publishing company, Legacy does not accept every manuscript or idea offered. A simple explanation of this is that we only publish books inspiring virtuous character. We want to help good people to say good things. Beyond this one qualifier your book might be about anything near and dear to your heart.
Next, in a live or telephone conference we go over the proposed marketing plan for your book. This will include how you feel you can contribute to the introduction of your book to local or national exposure. Often people are amazed at how much promotion can be accomplished simply through their existing network of friends and acquaintances. As part of Shared Publishing you will be asked to purchase for your promotional needs a set number of books. This may be anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand copies. Of course you purchase these books at less than one third the retail price and pocket all of the profit from your personal sales.
While you are working on your side of things to promote your book, we at Legacy are introducing your book to all of the major national markets. These include, the major chain bookstores such as Barnes and Noble, independent bookshops, and major internet sales venues such as Amazon. We also directly promote your book on the Legacy Book Publishing website with its own section and web page.
Using Shared Publishing, Legacy Book Publishing provides you with the means to accomplish what every writer truly wants, and that is to affect people’s lives with what you have to say. Because you are investing both your creative time and financial support to the project, you of course receive a far greater percentage of profits returned from your book than when published by a mainstream royalty publisher. Legacy authors routinely receive three times the share of gross book profit than offered by mass market publishing houses.
If you have a book manuscript or book idea you would like to see brought to published life, Legacy Book Publishing is the place to turn your ideas into action. Our website is filled with answers to every publishing question you might have.
You can send us a simple letter of “Hello” or even submit your manuscript directly from this website.