How Book Publishing Works

How Book Publishing Works

We realize that there are so many questions first-time authors have concerning the publishing industry and how book publishing works. Here are some articles we have written to address some of our most frequently asked questions. Feel free to browse the articles for a candid insight into a very complex, and sometimes “defying good sense”, business!

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Why not self-publish?

With self-publishing, it sounds like you have more control, but in reality, you have too much control. The book publishing process is complex, and most new authors do not…

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Reality Check

Breaking into the field of publishing as a writer has been an enlightening yet somewhat sobering experience. Fresh out of a bachelor’s program in Creative Writing with a…

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10 Book Publishing Secrets

Unless they have already published your work, the odds a major publisher will even look at your material aren’t very high. Most major publishers do not even receive unsolicited…

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